Let me guess – you have a strong social media presence, an amazing product or service, and plenty of visual content from your marketing efforts. But you’re facing one major problem: You’re not sure how to leverage video content to boost conversions and engage your audience. The solution? You need to integrate video into your digital marketing strategy.

If that sounds familiar, you better believe you’re preventing your business from reaching its full potential. Think about it – if your product or service is so impressive that it’s worth capturing on video, wouldn’t it make sense to use that content to attract even more paying customers? Absolutely. In this blog post, we’re going to talk about why video is so important and how you can utilise the power of video in your digital marketing campaigns.

How Important is Video in Digital Marketing?

It’s no secret that video is the key to cutting through the digital clutter. Search for anything on Google, and you’ll almost always see at least one video result. Scroll through your social media feed, and you’ll be bombarded with video content of all kinds.

In today's digital age, video has become an essential tool for marketers and content creators looking to connect with their audience and drive results. However, simply creating video content is not enough - to truly maximise the impact of your video, it’s important to reach the right audience and keep them engaged. 

5 Key Benefits of Video in Digital Marketing

Boosts engagement 

Videos are naturally engaging and tend to capture attention more effectively than text or images. They combine visuals and audio, which makes it easier to get your message across. According to Forbes, video messages have a 95% retention rate, while text messages have only 10%. 

Skyrockets conversion rates

Adding video to your digital marketing strategy can seriously help in boosting your conversion rates. 30% of the top landing pages incorporate video and research has found that including a video on a landing page can increase conversions by up to 80%. Videos are a clear and effective way to explain your product or service, build trust and persuade your viewers to take action. 

Builds trust and credibility

While we’re on the topic of trust - trust is the key to turning prospects into customers. Videos give you the opportunity to show your brand’s personality, demonstrate your expertise and give a true taste of what your business has to offer. For example, testimonials, behind-the-scenes videos and product demos can all help with building trust and credibility with your audience. 

Opportunity to go viral

Videos are an easy way to share information far and wide. The algorithms on platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Tik Tok are designed to favour video content, giving your business all the more reason to go viral. Plus, it’s super versatile and can be used across a number of platforms and formats. This flexibility gives your digital marketing strategy the opportunity to reach a broader audience in an impactful way. 

You should also be aware that the risk of ignoring video in your marketing strategy are even higher if your target audience includes millennials. Here’s why:

Millennials are social media savvy

Millennials are the most active demographic on social media, with 68.8% of them estimated interacting with social and video content daily in 2024. 

High media consumption

Millennials spend an average of 2 hours and 38 minutes per day on social media and 77% of them follow brands on social media.

Given the stats above, it's easy to see how video can take your business to the next level, boosting sales and engagement. Want to see how Reelwire can make it happen? Book a call and let's chat about how we can help you get started.